Be a Volunteer!
Adult and Parent Volunteering:
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or chaperone for any of our buildings, we thank you for your dedication to the children of this community. Volunteering not only helps the staff and teachers, but also teaches students that community involvement is important. We gratefully thank you for your time.
In order to be a volunteer or chaperone, the following guidelines are outlined in the building student handbook. This is a Riverdale Local Schools Board of Education policy and is stated within the Ohio Revised Code.
Each volunteer must have a current BCI (Bureau of Criminal Investigation) and FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) background check completed.
Volunteers are not permitted to bring any pre-school age children with them while they are volunteering.
Although the background check lasts for 5 years, a Volunteer Form must be completed ANNUALLY. Once both are in place for the year, volunteers can be approved by the Board of Education and are then approved to volunteer for class parties, field trips, helping in the classroom, RELM, etc.
BCI/FBI Requirement:
A BCI/FBI background check lasts for 5 years. It is required for anyone who has direct contact with children within the school building who are not their own children. For the safety of your children, background checks are required for:
All staff, including coaching staff
New employees
How do you get a current BCI/FBI background check?
Receiving a background check is a simple process. Call the Riverdale Local Schools district office, 419-694-2211, ext. 1800, and schedule an appointment. Please bring your Driver’s License and Social Security Card with you to the appointment. The cost of the BCI/FBI is $47.50, payable by check or cash (exact change only). You can also get a BCI/FBI completed at the Hancock County ESC or your county’s sheriff’s department.