Class of 2021 and Ball Metal would like your help!
Community aluminum can collection on Tues. May 12- Weds May 13. Please make sure cans are bagged and placed in bright green dumpster by bus parking. This allows us to participate in fall scholarship program!
Happy National Teacher Day! Our teachers may be teaching from a distance, but they are still touching lives. Let’s celebrate our Riverdale teachers! #ThankATeacher #TalonsUp #BluePride
Here are the routes for the Senior Car Parade on MAY 17TH AT 2PM. Please come out and support your 2020 Riverdale Seniors. The parade will start in the school parking lot and head to Wharton, Mt. Blanchard, and finally Forest.
Listen to Miss Ohio, Caroline Grace, read "Oh, The Thinks You Can Think!" at file:///C:/Users/jgreer/Desktop/Oh,%20The%20Things%20You%20Can%20Think!.html
Attention Seniors & Sr. Parents: The sign up sheet for graduation times has been shared. Please sign up for a time to be videoed by May 8th at 3:00 pm. Further instructions are posted on the sign up sheet. The videographer will be here May 14th & 15th from 10 am - 7:00 pm.
Riverdale will be holding a virtual graduation to celebrate the Class of 2020. Seniors, and their parents/guardians, will be notified to sign up for a time to be recorded walking across the stage to receive their diploma. Recordings will take place on May 13th - 15th. Awards and scholarships will also be presented at this time. We will observe as many traditional parts of the ceremony as possible. The video will be shared with the community upon its completion. The graduation parade will take place during the original graduation date and time of May 17th @ 2:00 pm.
2020 SENIOR CAR PARADE! Seniors we want to celebrate you and your achievements with a car parade through our local communities. The parade will be May 17th at 2pm. We ask that you decorate your car with decorations that will withstand speeds of 55mph.
2020 Riverdale High School yearbooks can be ordered now through June 30th for $50.00 through EZpay on the Riverdale website or by mailing a check to the treasurer's office. Click on the link below for more information and an order form. Order forms have also been emailed to all high school students.
For anyone that needs assistance the West Ohio Food Bank is holding a temporary food distribution on Wednesday, April 28th. See the info in the link for location and times:
The 8th grade Washington DC trip scheduled for this spring has been rescheduled for September 28 - October 1st. Mrs. Wherle will be posting more information soon.
Any senior who has not submitted a baby picture or a senior picture, please send one digitally to Forward questions to the same email.
We have an updated school calendar for the remainder of the school year. You can find it on the website or by clicking this link:
Late this afternoon we received guidance from ODE on graduation ceremonies.
For an update on graduation and more please click this link or
check out the latest COVID-19 update under "News" on the website.
Heart Activity Challenge
If your K-5 student participated in the optional American Heart Association Activity Challenge and needs to turn in their envelope, it can be dropped off at the Wednesday homework pick up (next Wed. Apr. 29). Monies raised will go back to the American Heart Association and students will receive prizes for their efforts. If you can not drop off your child’s envelope on Wed., please email Mrs. Speyer at to make other arrangements.
The National Guard joined us in Forest today with donated food from the West Ohio Food Bank! They helped us pass out boxes of food to some of our families. Boxes included fresh fruit, eggs, cereal, and other essentials. We would like to thank them for their service. #falconpride
Many thanks to all of our building secretaries (Rhonda Melroy, Kim Rall, Vicki Drummelsmith, Judy Yeater and Deb Metzger) on this Administrative Professional's Day! You are simply the best! And, we say THANK YOU for all that you do!🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
A message from Coach Bostic:
At first base #14 Ethan Shane
In Center Field #24 Logan Frey
In Left Field # 11 Coby Miller
And on the Mound for the Falcons # 10 Brock Davis.
A shout out to four of my favorite guys and four of the greatest kids I’ve had the honor to coach. Words can’t explain what the four of you mean to me. I know you all will take something positive and grow to be stronger men through all of this. Falcon Field will forever feel your footsteps and be grateful for your commitment to Falcon Baseball.
Miss Ohio was supposed to visit Riverdale Schools last Friday. Instead, she sent us some books that she recorded reading. We will begin first with "The Little Engine That Could".
School Library Book Return
April 27-May 3, 2020
If your student would like to return their library books, they can be dropped of at the school in the book bin between the elementary doors from 8am - 4pm or at Wednesday lunch/ homework pickups.
If your student is still reading or needs the book for class assignments please keep them!Â
Thank you Class of 2020! #BluePride #TalonsUp