The Riverdale vs. Carey girls basketball game, originally scheduled for Friday, November 22nd, has been postponed due to Carey participating in the OHSAA football playoffs. The game has been rescheduled for January 28, 2020.
The Middle School Dance will be held from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm tonight. Doors will open at 6:30 pm. Please drop off students at the bus/gym entrance. School appropriate attire is required.
Last night was the rescheduled 2nd grade Veteran's Day program. Thank you Veterans!
2nd Grade Patriotic Music Program RESCHEDULED for Thursday, Nov 14th. Afternoon Matinee 1:15PM
Evening Performance 7:00PM
Great job by the National Honor Society, adviser Miss Hayter and speaker SSG Clint Myers for putting on the Veterans Day assembly. A special thank you to the local veterans who were able to join us for the assembly and lunch afterward. We thank you all for your service.
CCP Night this Wednesday at 6pm in the RHS cafeteria! Plan to attend if your student (grade 7-12 for 2020-2021 school year) is thinking about taking college courses. This meeting does not commit your student to taking any courses, it is simply for more information regarding CCP.
Mrs. Caudill, Mrs. Wehrle, and Mrs. Holderman are representing Riverdale at the Association for Middle Level Educators at the Opryland Hotel and Convention Center in Nashville this week! This conference highlights best practices and the newest teaching methods and strategies.
Riverdale sent 15 middle school students to HYPE, Hancock Youth Prevention Education, conference at Camp Berry this weekend. We also had 4 youth staff and 3 alumni present and lead at the conference.
Great start to Hancock County league for High School Quiz Bowl
41-24 over VB
48-24 over Arlington
47-15 over Arcadia
Thank you voters!
#BluePride #TalonsUp
Reminder: All students in grades 7-12 have the option each year of taking classes at a post- secondary institution while attending classes as a student at Riverdale High School. We are hosting our mandatory CCP Night in our cafeteria on Nov 13th at 6pm.
Reminder that the senior class fundraiser at Chipotle in Findlay is tonight from 4:00 - 8:00 pm. Online orders will NOT count towards the donated proceeds. Please stop by and enjoy dinner while helping out the Class of 2020.
Financial Aid Night will be held on November 25th at 6pm in the cafeteria. Please join us in learning more about what financial aid is, how to complete the FAFSA, and other topics. Tony Dickman, Coordinator of Financial Aid at OSU will be coming to answer all of your questions.
Riverdale sent 19 middle school girls to BGSU to participate in "Women in STEM" - students participated in creative thinking activities, robotics with Texas Instruments, and an experiments with Polymers.
"Singing with Soundsation" has been postponed. The new date in November 23rd. All times and locations are still the same. If you have questions or concerns, e-mail Mr. Brincefield at
The junior class will be holding a fundraiser on Monday, November 4th from 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm at Chipotle in Findlay. During this time they will receive 33% of all the proceeds. Please come out and support the junior class.(On-line orders are not a part of the fundraiser)
Middle School Dance “Fabulous Fifties” will be Friday, November 15th. The dance will be held in the Cafeteria from 7-9:00 p.m. Tickets are $5.00 and include a snack & drink. Ticket sales will start today and will end on November 14th.
Parents of students who are currently in grades 6-11 and are seriously considering the College Credit Plus program are required to attend a meeting on November 13th at 6pm in the Riverdale high school cafeteria. Please contact Mrs. Williams or Mr. Shumaker with questions.
Here is the November issue of the Falcon Flier.
Here is our High School Honor Roll. Great Job Falcons!