Riverdale CC runners at the Hardin County Cross Country meet this week, BluePride
over 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
Falcons running at the Hardin County CC Meet
Falcons running at the Hardin County CC Meet
Falcons running at the Hardin County CC Meet
Falcons running at the Hardin County CC Meet
September Falcons of the Month HS Student of the Month -Makenna Clark MS Student of the Month -Cale Young Elem Student of the Month -Ava Norris Elem Student of the Month - Brooklyn Collier Staff Member of the Month -Maddie Pryor (Not Pictured)
over 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
Falcons of the Month, September winners are: Staff Member of the Month -Maddie Pryor, HS Student of the Month -Makenna Clark, MS Student of the Month -Cale Young, Elementary Student of the Month -Ava Norris Elementary Student of the Month - Brooklyn Collier
A perfect Tuesday at Riverdale, students enjoying the weather at recess, students working hard in the classroom and a couple great pictures of our campus from above, aerial pictures provided by Mr. Tony Butler.
over 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
Riverdale Local Schools campus from above, picture courtesy of Mr. Tony Butler
Students at recess enjoying this amazing weather
Aerial view of our 68 acre campus, it's beautiful
Mr. Farmer's Computer application class at work
Falcons in athletic action today: Golf at Sycamore Springs vs. New Riegel and Junior High Volleyball vs. Pandora Gilboa.
over 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
Falcon Golf Team at Sycamore Springs
Falcons in action
JH VB vs. Pandora Gilboa
JH VB vs. PG
Falcon weekend pack program is back for the 22/23 school year. Please click, fill out and submit this Google form if interested in participating. https://forms.gle/QTniUbeLBSGKcPk16
over 2 years ago, Jill Schlarb
Ball metal community can collection with being this Wednesday and Thursday. Please bring bagged/boxed aluminum cans to the green dumpster by the bus parking. This program gives back to the seniors through funding and scholarship!
over 2 years ago, Jill Schlarb
Great job Mr. Wright and Mr. Frey, the FALCON has returned…
over 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
Mr. Wright/Mr. Frey
Falcon Logo is BACK
Falcon Logo back on the school
Mr. Wright/Mr. Frey putting the Falcon Logo on the school
Miss Klausing’s math class preparing for their math test today..
over 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
Good Luck on the test students
Miss Klausing’s students preparing for a test
Math Test Day
Congratulations to the High School Quiz Bowl team for starting their NCOESC league with a 3-0 record. 205-175 over Old Fort 275-75 over Bucyrus 295-40 over Clyde The team will next compete October 1 at the Tiffin Columbian Exposition Tournament.
over 2 years ago, Dan Evans
RHS Marching band at the Wyandot County Fair, FFA exhibits, Mr. Rossman at the BASA legal update in Columbus (Bricker & Eckler), and Mrs. Kubly's math class welcome card. Have a great Tuesday Falcons!
over 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
RHS Marching Band @ Wyandot County Fair
FFA Displays
Mr. Rossman @ Bricker & Eckler Superintendent legal updates
Mr. Kubly's Math class' welcome card to Mr. Rossman
Ms. Schliesser's science class experimenting with different soap bubbles, measuring diameters.
over 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
Ms. Schlisser's science class
experimenting with soap bubbles
measuring the diameter of the different soap bubbles
Soap bubble experiment
The Riverdale Falcon marching band at the Hardin County Fair Tuesday evening, it was a great night and a great show.
over 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
Falcon Marching Band
Falcon Marching Band
Falcon Marching Band
Falcon Marching Band
A message from the Hancock County ESC: Hancock County is committed to making the services for children and families the best they can be. Please refer to this form to provide feedback about services that are offered in our community: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=p1HjQuZV-UuDbniruJ6U-FYIuer3AOtKj5GgpDVjpMlURUFCWk1HNzlRU1g1TTVBSkxaQTJZVU9SUi4u
over 2 years ago, Technology Department
Feedback for Hancock County
The 6th Grade T-Shirt Order forms were printed in B&W to save money! Please find the color version here!
over 2 years ago, Technology Department
6th Grade T-Shirt Order Form
5th Grade Falcons in Ms. Box, Mrs. Morris, Ms. Wheat and Ms. Yeater's classes learning about the scientific method, immigration, math and reading a key to map locations.
over 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
Ms. Kalynn Yeater's class
Mrs. Morris's class
Mrs. Box's class
Ms. Wheat's Class
Students- there are lots of fun things coming up. Please check email for Google forms and announcements!
over 2 years ago, Jill Schlarb
High School National Honor Society applications have been sent out to those that meet the first qualification of a cumulative GPA of a 3.4. Please check your email and have your applications submitted through Google Forms by Friday, September 9th.
over 2 years ago, Brittany Hayter
Falcon Bus Safety Training with grades K-2 today, thank you transportation department. Safety is job #1!
over 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
Bus Safety Training
Riverdale students in action at the Hancock county fair, Great performance last night marching band.
over 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
Victoria Snook & Waddles
RHS Marching Band
Rabbit Show
RHS performs Katie Perry's  "Fireworks"
4th Grade Falcons showing their skills and abilities in the class, these 4th graders claim they are the best Falcon class in the building..
over 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
Mrs. Cooper's 4th grade class
Mrs. Weatherholtz 4th grade class
Miss Parsell's 4th grade class
Mrs. Mowery's 4th grade class