Please join us for our annual Family Fun Night on Thursday, November 3. This free event is for all Pre-K through 5th grade students and their families. It will be from 5:30-7:00pm in the cafeteria. Don't forgot to stop by the Book Fair during the event as well!
over 2 years ago, Madeline Pryor
Family Fun Night
Jim Conrad, Joosten's rep speaking to our freshmen today about class rings, MR. Conrad also met with our seniors, orders for class rings and graduation are due Monday, October 24, order today at
over 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
Joosten's, Jim Conrad speaking to our freshmen
Friday October 14, Grandparents Day program in the RHS gym. Great job, great program Falcons, a great Falcon event. Thank you Grandparents!
over 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
Grandparents Day program
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day
Allison Woodruff, BVC Champion, Falcon Record Setter, Good Luck to Allison and all CC runners at districts this Saturday!
over 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
Allison Woodruff, BVC Champion, School record setter, Great Job Allison
Mrs. Schlarb's honors physical science class conducting experiments today with the Bunsen burner.
over 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
Mrs. Schlarb's Honors Physical science class
Students in honors physical science class
Bunsen burner time....
Middle School Halloween Dance! When: Friday October 28, 2022 Time: 6-8pm Location: Cafeteria Ticket Sales: Oct. 13 - Oct. 27 in the Cafeteria during 5A - C lunch Cost: $5.00 Attire: Costumes are permitted, but they MUST be school appropriate and NO masks can be worn.
over 2 years ago, Kathy Caudill
NHS is hosting the Veterans Day Assembly on November 11th, 2022 at Riverdale Local School in the main gym. Please check out the flyer and RSVP.
over 2 years ago, Brittany Hayter
Veterans Day Assembly 2022
Our school fundraiser is GOING ON NOW! Please help support our school. Monies raised help offset the costs of student incentives, field trips, school assemblies and much, much more. Thank you for your support!
over 2 years ago, Julie Greer
Mr. Petrie at recess with his students, our Falcons loved the Pink Bunny today!
over 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
The Pink Bunny at Recess
A Pink bunny visited us on Pajama Day, Great spirit Mr. Petrie!! Tuesday is color day: “Paint the Halls with Falcon SPIRIT and wear your class colors!” Grades K-2-Wear RED, Grades 3-5-Wear ORANGE, Grades 6-8-Wear YELLOW, Grades 9-10-Wear GREEN, Grades 11-12-Wear BLUE
over 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
Mr. Petrie, Spirit Week, Pajama Day, Go Falcons, Love it!!!!
Congrats to Juniors for winning Powder Puff ‘22. Seniors, Sophomores and Freshmen for having a great showing at the games.
over 2 years ago, Jill Schlarb
winners! juniors
Powder puff games to kick off Homecoming week will be Sunday Oct 2 at 6pm. Admission is $2 - teams may arrive at 5:30pm.
over 2 years ago, Jill Schlarb
Online Parent/Teacher Conference sign-up is now live! Conferences will be held Thursday October 20th from 8am - 8pm for grades K-5 and 12:30pm-8pm for grades 6-12. Please navigate to to sign-up for your conferences. Please note that grades 5-8 use a team conference and are listed by the grade level and not a specific teacher. If you have any questions, please contact your student's building secretary.
over 2 years ago, Zack Voll
Come join Academic Boosters this coming Monday night, Oct. 3 at 7PM in the big conference room. We look forward to seeing you then!
over 2 years ago, Julie Greer
Read Along Books
Riverdale administration training on emergency shut off procedures, building operation protocol, Mr. Wright leading the training. Harding County Sheriff's department presenting on drug testing and reasonable suspicion training.
over 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
Mr. Wright giving instructions to administration
Administration reviewing emergency shut off procedures
HVAC room/operations
Hardin County Sheriff's Drug Testing/reasonable suspicion training
Falcon students and staff working hard today in the classrooms.
over 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
Mr. Swavel discussing propaganda to his students
Mr. Avery giving an ELA quiz
Miss Hayter working on personal finance with HS students
Mr. Swavel's 7th grade history class
Riverdale Shop students complete community service for Buckeye Machine. Pictured from left to right: Trenton Thacker, Sam Spade, Carson McCloud.
over 2 years ago, Levi Brown
community service
Our Elementary Fundraiser begins Wed. Sept. 28th!
over 2 years ago, Julie Greer
There will be a MANDATORY parent and student meeting on Wed. October 12 at 6pm in the cafeteria for all 8th grade students who are interested in going to Washington DC this spring. The dates of the trip will be Mon. May 22-Thurs. May 25, 2023.
over 2 years ago, Angie Wehrle
Washington DC
Mr. Brown and Mrs. Baumer instructing students in their classrooms. Students at recess during this awesome fall day.
over 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
Mrs. Baumer instructing her Agricultural education class
Mr. Brown explaining diameter to his students
Falcons enjoying a clear, cool fall day on the playground